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Are You Safe? 


If not, dial 911 and get to a safe place

Call Public Safety (507-786-3666) to have a Public Safety Office dispatched directly to you



If you have been hurt by an acquaintance, partner, family member or stranger, know that it was not your fault. 


SARN provides free and confidential services to those in the St. Olaf community who have been hurt by sexual assault, relationship violence and stalking, including friends of survivors. Although recovery can be a long process, there are some things you can do right now that may help to keep open all of your options for recovery and action in the future.



Sexual Assault  


If you have been sexually assaulted:


  1. Go someplace safe

  2. Tell a person who will support you and/or call or email SARN at (507) 786-3777 or

  3. Have your medical needs attended to at a clinic or in the emergency room. A medical exam is needed to treat all injuries, sexually transmitted diseases and possible pregnancy. An evidentiary exam should also be completed. A medical exam is important for your health and will be important for criminal prosecution. St. Olaf Public Safety (507-786, 3666) #3666 is required to bring any student to the Northfield Hospital at any time, no questions asked. SARN advocates can accompany you to the hospital to provide support as needed.

  4. Consider whether you’d like to make a report to St. Olaf administration, St. Olaf Public Safety and/or to the police. If the name of the alleged assailant is shared with those listed above, the sexual assault will be investigated for possible disciplinary action. Filing a report may make it easier for you or someone else to press charges in the future.

  5. Remember the difference between confidential and non-confidential sources on campus. If you speak to a member of St. Olaf administration, Residence Life staff, Public Safety, or the Wellness Center about the assault, these individuals are required to file a report with the college; confidential sources include SARN advocates, Boe House counselors, and the Pastor’s Office.

  6. Consider finding someone to talk to about your experience-perhaps a trusted friend, family member, SARN advocate, or a counselor at Boe house. Continue to remind yourself that the recovery process will take time but that you are strong enough to not only get through it, but thrive.


Relationship Violence

If you have or are currently experiencing violence  in your relationship:


  1. Go someplace safe.

  2. Tell a person who will support you and/or call or email SARN at (507) 786-3777 or

  3. Have your medical needs attended to at a hospital or clinic.

  4. Think about how you can keep yourself safe for the next 72 hours. Contact SARN for information about safety planning, restraining orders (Orders for Protection/Orders for Harassment), local domestic violence shelters and other resources.

  5. Consider filing a report with the college and/or police report. SARN advocates can facilitate and support you through this process.


Stalking / Harassment

If you have experienced stalking or harassment​

  1. Trust your instincts. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.

  2. Take seriously any threats made by the person stalking/harassing you.

  3. Keep a written log of the behavior that is alarming or harassing and don’t delete texts, Facebook messages, emails, etc. as they can be used as evidence should you choose to pursue legal action.

  4. Tell someone who will support you and/or call or email SARN at (507) 786-3777 or

  5. Consider making a report to St. Olaf and/or police report. SARN advocates can facilitate and support you through this process.


For more information, see the St. Olaf College’s Get Help Now page.



© 2017 by Sexual Assault Resource Network (SARN)

Proudly created by SARN Advocates :)

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