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Sexual Assault Resource Network (SARN)

SARN is a student-run confidential resource that takes a stand against physical, sexual, and emotional violence at St. Olaf College. Our organization is distinct from administration as we are an organization of trained student advocates working on behalf of all students. We support students whether or not they choose to report their experiences and whether or not they feel satisfied with their experiences of reporting to the college. Our fundamental mission is to listen to, support, validate, respect, and believe all survivors.


We envision a campus where:

  • Sexual violence and relationship violence is unacceptable;

  • Students receive the advocacy, compassion, and support they deserve;

  • Students, faculty, staff, and other stakeholders help us challenge the institutions, practices, policies, and systems that promote sexism, racism, heterosexism, classism, ageism, ableism, and religious oppression that are among the root causes of violence.


As student advocates invested in combatting rape culture and promoting an environment founded on the shared values of tolerance, inclusion, and consent, we pledge to always prioritize the individual over the institution. Regardless of where you are in the healing or helping process, we are available to support you and your personal decisions. 


History of SARN


SARN was created in 1987 after a need was identified for a confidential student-run group to assist survivors of sexual assault. The first year of advocacy began in 1988. The founding members, initially consisting of two staff members and several students, created SARN as a resource for education and advocacy on St. Olaf Campus. 






© 2017 by Sexual Assault Resource Network (SARN)

Proudly created by SARN Advocates :)

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